The experience was good because a) I had to study, a lot, and b) I had to suffer the stress and indignity of a professional examination. Let me regale with you some detail on that:
- I carried a 40-pound book to and from work for weeks, just so I could read it and study it on the bus
- At the exam, I had to (literally) pull my pockets out to show there were nothing in them
- My glasses were studied for a full 30 seconds for signs of hidden notes
- I got the last testing station in the test room, tenth out of ten computers, right beside the door, which opened about.... one thousand four hundred and fifty times during my 2.5 hours there. Grr.
And it all brought me back to six years ago, when I wrote all of my CRM exams. If you haven't written one recently, yes, the security is a bit tighter still. (It's all in the name of preventing cheating, so I accept it as a given.) That loooooong walk from the computer to the front desk, where they hand you the piece of paper that says either "Pass" or, well, something else. It's a stressful walk.
Any exam stories to tell? Horror stories or glory stories or something in between? Please feel free to respond in the comments.
Wayne Hoff, CRM, IGP
ARMA Calgary ICRM Liaison