Wednesday, 18 April 2018

New Things!

Some new things are upon us!

1. The ICRM just published their new logo.  It looks a little hipper than the old one and has some symbolism in the shape:

The 6 corners of the hexagon represent the 6 exams, and the 3 corners of the triangle within the hexagon represent the 3 phases of the CRM process, which are application, certification, and examination.  Expect to see more of the logo in the future.

2. A new exam cycle is upon us... the next cycle is May 7 through May 18.  That gives you lots of time to book an exam if you're ready to write.  Speaking of which - some of you have commented privately that the Pearson Vue writing centres aren't open in Calgary, and that (this is crazy) you had to travel to Edmonton or Red Deer to write your exam.  Come on!!  I've investigating this and will provide an update shortly.  If you have any recent news, please let me know.

3. A new CRM Prep course will be offered.  More details to follow, but the chapter will offer it mid-June.  This will be good for those of you who:
  • Are planning to write exams in August (the prep course provides an excellent preparation for studying for the exams... so having some time between the course and the exams themselves is a good thing)
  • Wrote in May or previously, didn't quite make it on a couple of the exams, and want some additional help for those exams
  • Is interested in writing the exams, but hasn't really started the process yet and would like some guidance and help
More detail on this to follow.  It will be facilitated by yours truly, same as last April.

4.  Finally, the weather is new... kind of.  It seems that winter is having a tough time letting go, but we're starting to hit double digits for daily highs and that's all right.  Time to break out the deck chairs with beer holders and celebrate the new season!

Happy springtime to you all.

Wayne Hoff, CRM, IGP
ARMA Calgary ICRM Liaison