Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Go ahead and write Parts 1-5 - ANYTIME!

The ICRM has officially announced that the first five CRM exams can be scheduled at any time during the year.  This is great news for those who have busy schedules.  Previously, candidates could only write the exams during one 2-week test cycle each quarter.  That opens up a few things for you:

  • You can write the exam pretty much any week of the year.  It is still limited by those times made available by the Pearson Vue test centres, although there shouldn't be any major limitations.
  • You can book the exam on short notice and take it right away - perhaps you suddenly feel like you've got it all in your head and you don't want to wait.  Book it for the afternoon!  (They haven't actually announced how long you have to wait between booking the exam and writing it, but so far it seems that there is no restriction.)
  • If you do not pass the exam, you can write it again in as little as 48 hours.  Again, that's based on availability of test times at the Pearson Vue centres, but that's pretty handy.  Instead of waiting for three months and having to restudy the material, you can brush up in areas you felt you were weak and then write it again immediately with all of the material fresh in your head.
The Part 6 exam is not included in this change - it continues to be offered in the 2-week test cycle in February, May, August, and November.  This isn't a surprise; Part 6 requires human graders and that still has to be organized and administered under a regular cycle.

Let me know if this makes your plans easier.

On another note - the CRM prep course is being offered January 2019.  It's a little further back than we initially planned but this makes it better for those thinking about Part 6.  More details will be coming out later; if you're interested please give me a shout.

Wayne Hoff, CRM, IGP

ARMA Calgary ICRM Liaison