8:00am to noon - In the morning we cover parts 1 to 5. It includes:
- Subject areas covered in each exam
- Study resources
- Strategies for writing multiple choice tests
- Sample questions and answer review
12:45pm to 4:00pm - In the afternoon we cover part 6. This includes:
- Study resources
- Sample prompts and expectations
- Strategies for creating a meaningful response
- The writing of a sample prompt, which will be marked by an ICRM grader, with comments returned after the workshop
The workshop is facilitated by..... yours truly!! Yes, that's me. And yes, in the afternoon, for the last 2 hours you WILL write a response to an exam prompt, and I WILL take them home and grade them for you. (I grade part 6 exams for the ICRM most quarters.) This is a highly valuable form of feedback.
To register, click here. Hope to see you there!
Wayne Hoff, CRM, IGP
ARMA Calgary ICRM Liaison