Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The Era of Electronic Records Management

I've always been impressed that the ICRM dedicates one entire exam, Part 5, to information management technology.  If you've been working in the industry at all, you will understand the necessity of that exam.

I delivered a presentation to a group of records management professionals recently on the topic of electronic records management.  My introduction sounded a bit like this:

"We have our paper processes nailed down.  When it comes to paper records, we're in pretty good shape.  When it comes to official electronic records, however, such as email, electronic content, and systems data, we don't do so well.  Question:  what percentage of your organization's official information is represented electronically, and what percentage is represented in paper?  It's likely in the 90/10 range, or if you still use a lot of paper, 80/20.  That means that we are poorly managing at least eighty percent of our official records.  That should cause us some concern."

Does this strike a chord with you?  Does it make you feel really nervous?  First, let's not be too hard on ourselves.  Paper is just much easier to manage.  It comes to us in relatively small volume and paper is a single format to manage.  Electronic information comes to us in large volume and in a vast array of formats and configurations.  So don't feel bad.  But second, it's not enough to lament about it and hope for the best.  As records managers we need to address the IM issues.

In my presentation I was more excited about the feedback it generated than anything I had to say.  Because people are doing things out there.  Let's share our secrets, our strategies, and our successes!  And press on!

In the meantime:  Part 5 of the exam is not an IT quiz.  It's more about IM in the current technological environment.  When you study for it, be happy knowing that the knowledge you gain will be critical in your IM career.

Wayne Hoff, CRM, IGP
ICRM Liaison

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