Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Announcement From the ICRM Regarding Exams & Credits

The ICRM has issued a statement regarding testing and continuing maintenance points (CMPs).  The complete text of the message is included below.

Dear Members and Candidates,

The coronavirus (COVID-19) reality evolves and forces changes in all of our lives in many ways we could never have imagined. I’m reaching out to update you on what the ICRM is doing to offer support during these challenging times. Our main concern is the health and safety of our ICRM family and we continue to monitor developments associated with COVID-19 that impacts the ICRM, members and candidates.

Testing - The Board of Regents cancelled Part 6 testing for May as many Pearson Vue testing centers are currently closed with uncertain opening dates. We are receiving weekly updates on this situation as test centers start opening up in the US, Canada, and around the world. We will update you as we receive new information. If you are a current candidate and looking to test, you may find out information about test center operations in your local area by looking here: https://home.pearsonvue.com/coronavirus-update#country-specific, which is updated daily. In an effort to be responsive to the situation and grow technologically, the Board appointed a Task Force to explore online testing feasibility. Stay tuned.

CMPs - Information was sent to all members on April 22, with a listing of resources available to earn CMPs during this time.  There are many online resources available. Also, review other options to earn CMPs such as reporting on a work project, or authoring an article for a RIM publication. See the www.icrm.org for more information and the CMP announcement.

Dues - COVID-19 has impacted many businesses with cutbacks and closures. This has been especially difficult for members who find themselves underemployed or unemployed. Our hearts go out to them during this difficult time.  Please contact the ICRM office if you are having challenges in paying membership dues so we can work with you.

Website, Facebook, LinkedIn - We continue to update our website at www.icrm.org   Please check it out for the latest information on testing, CMPs, and general information. We are also on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  Please follow us!

If you are experiencing any concerns regarding testing, expiring CMP cycle, or dues payments, please contact the ICRM office at admin@icrm.org and we will work with you.  These are difficult times and it is our wish to encourage and assist where we can.

The ICRM is here to help. We will get through this with the support of one another.  Stay well and respect the request for social distancing, but continue to reach out virtually until we can get together again. Resources are available. We can help guide you to those resources. We will continue to update you as we get more information.

Be safe, stay well and wash hands!

Paula Sutton
ICRM President

If you have any additional questions, please let me know or contact the ICRM directly as instructed above.

Wayne Hoff, CRM
ICRM Liaison, Calgary ARMA

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